uPVC Windows Birmingham | Window Prices | TWS Windows

uPVC Windows Birmingham

TWS offers uPVC windows that provide enormous benefits for your Birmingham home. uPVC is an advanced, robust material that is hugely energy efficient and proven to reduce your energy bills through its insulation.

When it comes to a uPVC window, you want to be sure you’re making a valuable investment for your home. That’s why we pair our uPVC material with innovative double glazing. Your new window can make your living space thrive through both working together in harmony.

Our uPVC build performs better, for longer. It won’t warp, rot or twist under excess water or bad weather, and its durable structure means it’ll last for decades. Not only that, but you can be sure your new window will continue to perform just as well throughout the years.

You’ll also be investing in the security of your home. TWS’s windows all feature multi-point locking systems and reinforced handles as standard. That way, you can keep your home safe and have peace of mind that your space will be your own.

Additionally, TWS only installs uPVC windows of the highest quality, thanks to our in-house fitting team. We differ from our competitors by offering this service, but we do so because we put quality and trust first.

uPVC Windows Birmingham

What is a uPVC Window?

uPVC windows are a hugely popular choice for homes across Birmingham and the UK. With full weatherproofing, smart double glazing and terrific security features, they provide your home with all the performance you could ever need.

No matter how much you use your uPVC window, we ensure that it will be able to perform brilliantly for years to come. Our uPVC requires little upkeep and barely any maintenance. That way, you’ll have more time to get on with the things that truly matter.

uPVC also improves on traditional timber frames when it comes to performance. Timber frames need to be regularly varnished and sanded to prevent wear and tear. With a uPVC window, however, you can fit and forget about your window as it delivers savings for your Birmingham home.

Can You Repair uPVC Windows?

While uPVC windows are durable and long-lasting, your window could experience a freak break. However, if the worst should happen, there’s no need to panic. TWS Windows and Doors offers a full repair service for whether you need to replace a part, or all, of your uPVC window.

We’ve been installing uPVC windows in Birmingham for over 25 years, and value the trust of our community. Our in-house team of window experts can be called out to your home quickly to assess the damage. Then, they can get to work on bringing your home back to peak condition.

You’ll be able to get brand-new energy efficient double glazing that improves your home instantly if your current glass breaks. Additionally, you’ll quickly be able to replace any damaged locks, hinges and handles by giving TWS a call. 

uPVC window ideas Birmingham

Types of uPVC Window

At TWS, we believe that you should have total control of designing a uPVC window that reflects your home and lifestyle. That’s why, using our online cost calculator, you can search through an endless range of colours, finishes and handles to get the perfect look.

You can also select uPVC as a building material for multiple window styles. Whether your home is traditional or modern, big or small, TWS has a window style on offer that’ll naturally complement your space.

Casement uPVC Windows

Casement windows are flexible and functional. They offer brilliant insulation, excellent natural light and all at an affordable price. With uPVC installed, you can enhance your casement window considerably with a stylish finish that ties your living space together.

Tilt and Turn uPVC Windows

Our tilt-and-turn style offers a uPVC window that’s smart and secure. Tilt-and-turns have the same energy-saving potential as a casement window, while also featuring a nifty tilting opening. With a forward tilt, your window will let more fresh air in and keep unwanted visitors out.

Bow and Bay uPVC Windows

Bow and Bay windows are traditional, elegant designs that can create vast amounts of space in your Birmingham home. With uPVC, you can install a window that extends past your walls to open your home up to light, warmth, and energy-saving benefits.

uPVC Window Prices Birmingham

uPVC Windows Birmingham Prices

If you’re interested in enhancing your Birmingham home with an innovative uPVC window, then talk to TWS! We have plenty of ways for you to get in contact with us to begin designing your dream window.

Firstly, you can use our interactive online cost calculator. It has thousands of customisable options for every aspect of your uPVC window. You can choose a window to suit you, and then get an instant quote for your design!

Alternatively, you can get our attention by using our online contact form! A friendly member of our team will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have and give some advice too!

Finally, why not give us a call on 01562 822 855? We’ll be more than happy to discuss every aspect of your dream design with you, and we can even give you a quote over the phone! At TWS, we can’t wait to work with you.

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